
The following are some names given to Kali

The destroyer, the transformer

Sounding terrifying

Blue Sarasvati

Supremely Beautiful

Giving desires
One of the avatars of Vishnu
From Wikipedia
Krishna (meaning black as well as all-attractive one) is a Hindu god, and is considered one of the avatars of Vishnu. According to the Mahabharata, Krishna is the narrator of the Bhagavad Gita: he narrates the Gita to Arjuna in the beginning of the great Mahabharata battle. Parthasarathy is a name of Krishna that refers to his being the charioteer (sarathy) of Arjuna when he narrates the Gita.
Stories surrounding Krishna depict him as mischievous and clever, and suggest an ends-justify-the-means philosophy. This is a counterpoint to another avatar of Vishnu: Rama, he of the straight and narrow path.
In one such story, Vishnu told Krishna to kill Kamsa, a tyrant and a son of a demon. Krishna and his brother, Balarama, were threated by Kamsa, who had been told a son of his half-sister, Devaki, would kill him. He therefore murdered her first six children. Krishna and Balarama, twins, were moved to Rohini's womb to protect them. Krishna was then given to Nanda and Yasoda to hide him from Kamsa; as a child, he was known as Balakrsna. While growing up, Krishna led a mischievous life, playing pranks and seducing various women; his favorite of up-to sixteen-thousand wives was Radha, daughter of Nanda. Upon reaching adulthood, Krishna killed Kamsa.
Krishna is also married to Bhumidevi and, with her, he is the father of Naraka.
Krishna + Radha - PHOTOS

The prince

The planetary prince
Connecting means establishing a powerful mind foundation in your being.
We often think that connecting with a spiritual stream has to do with reaching out for something outside of us, beyond the limits of our being, rejecting our ego, desires and so on.
The truth is that integrating works better: establish in the core of your being the vibration of your cosmic identity.
How? Here is a simple technique: The ultimate authority or guide on the planet is an eternal life force.
There are many directions we can tune in: gods, goddesses, incarnated gurus. Here is what you can try: Sanat Kumara.
This intelligence is the head of the planetary or human hierarchy.
He is the ultimate authority.
If you want to connect with your long term destiny line, practice this simple technique:
Write his name in Sanskrit

Write this calligraphy, express it, put it in forms, engrave it in stone or wood.
This will send a very clear message inside of you about where you want to be, where you want to go.
Action, conscious action follows.
Ask yourself: what role do you want to play for others?
With love

The princess


One of the incarnations of Vishnu
From Wikipedia
This article is about a Hindu god and king of ancient India, for other meanings see Rama (disambiguation).
Rama is a Hindu god, said to be the avatar of the Lord Vishnu (The Preserver). There is debate as to whether he was a real or mythical king in ancient India; his life and heroic deeds are related in the Hindu Sanskrit epic the Ramayana. A great devotional work on him, an epic poem on the scale of Milton's Paradise Lost, is the Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas, which builds on the Hindu bhakti movements of devotion and love of God.
The spelling and pronunciation Rama follows the original Sanskrit; it continues to be followed in several modern languages of India. In modern Indian vernaculars, however, it is now pronounced 'Ram'.
Rama was of the family Suryavansha (trans. Sun Dynasty, surya=sun, vansha=dynasty). The Guru of the Suryavansha elders was Vashista, the guru of Rama and his brother Lakshmana was Vishwamitra.
Astronomical data in the Ramayana has been interpreted to suggest that his reign would have been at approximately 2015 BC. It is known that the Ramayana was written before the other great Hindu epic, the Mahabharata, whose tradition of oral transmission is accepted to have been around 1000 BCE (the writing coming much later). Thus, the Ramayana came into literary existence anywhere from around 1500 BCE to more conservative estimates of 500 BCE. It is not accepted by most scholars as a historical guide to Rama, and is rather a great literary work and piece of devotional and philosophical literature revered by devo
In Hinduism, Rama is regarded as the seventh avatar of the god Vishnu and worshipped together with his companion Hanuman, the monkey-god who assists him in the epic narrative of the Ramayana.
He is the Prince of Ayodhya and is banished to a forest by his stepmother. While in exile, his wife, Sita, is kidnapped by Ravana, King of the Rakshas on Lanka (cur: Sri Lanka). Rama, along with Hanuman, rescued her, killed Ravana and becomes King of Ayodhya.
Rama also killed Vali, the monkey-King of Kishkindhya. He is protected during his adventures by Agastya, and also rescued Ahalya after she was turned to stone by her husband for having an affair with Indra.
Lord Rama is seen as an ideal of Dharma and noble virtues. Unaware of his own divinity, he is worshipped as intensely in view of his love of Sita, his wife.
Rama in the Eyes of Gandhi and Hindutva
While Rama is an active part of Hindu worship, his determination to uphold justice and duty, essentially the embodiment of Dharma, has been seen as a powerful source of inspiration for more militant groups of fundamentalist Hindus, labeled today as Hindutva. This is, however, a marginal group, and it does not represent the greater adoration of Rama by most Hindus, exemplified by Mahatma Gandhi. Upon realizing that his moment of passing had come, Gandhi ended his life with the valedictory prayer to God, "Hey Ram!" It is notable that both militant Hindutva and the egalitarian passive resistant Gandhian notions find the ultimate Godhead to be the same, Lord Rama. It goes to show how completely different perspectives of the same figure, religion or philosophy can both find justification in the same divine personality.

Life force

The Transformer

Great lord

The universal dancer
(Name of Shiva)

The blue throated one
(Name of Shiva)

(Name for Shiva)

Vedic deities

Greek deities







Egyptian deities