- Don't micromanage your partner's spiritual growth! - TIP
- How to create dialogue - ARTICLE
- Create a forum space for your relationship - ARTICLE
- Relationship feed back - How to make it work - ARTICLE
- Is it okay to educate your partner? - ARTICLE
- Say it at the right time! - ARTICLE
- One couple - Two visions - ARTICLE
- Play the "Yes! And..." game - ARTICLE
- How to empower your partner - ARTICLE
- How to get your needs met - ARTICLE
- Synergize your couple - ARTICLE
- Can you just take some distance if you need it? - Should this be okay in a relationship? - ARTICLE
- Should you just quit if your relationship does not give you what you want? - ARTICLE
- Why spending time apart is super healthy for your relationship - ARTICLE
- Say it at the right time! - ARTICLE
- Relationship feed back - How to make it work - ARTICLE
- How to create a forum space for your relationship - ARTICLE
- Shared decision making - How and when to apply it - ARTICLE
- The key to plan activities together - ARTICLE
- 10 Steps to a dynamic relationship - ARTICLE
- More keys for dynamic relationships - ARTICLE
- She listens too much to her parents advice! - How to make her be independent and free? - ARTICLE
- We won't spend much time together - ARTICLE
- Design your dream relationship - ARTICLE
- Are you killing your relationship? - ARTICLE
Stop fights - Articles
- Don't micromanage your partner's spiritual growth! - TIP
- "Tell me more..." - A simple expression that triggers harmony and open communication - ARTICLE
- If you want to trigger fights, here are simple expressions to use A LOT! - They will drive your partner crazy! - ARTICLE
- Relationship power - The core qualities you need to express to build up harmony in your relationship - ARTICLE
- Why micromanaging your partner will destroy your relationship - ARTICLE
- Why fights happen and how to solve them in the future - ARTICLE
- Key challenges facing couples today - ARTICLE
- How to shift gears when you feel tension rising - ARTICLE
- What triggers fights - ARTICLE
- Why fights happen - ARTICLE
- Control issues are the core of any fight - ARTICLE
- When you fight, your relationship is under attack - ARTICLE
- Clash between energy realities - ARTICLE
- Why a psychic battle? - ARTICLE
- Fighting is a natural instinct - ARTICLE
- What is wrong then? - ARTICLE
- Underlying dynamics triggering fights - ARTICLE
- Fight triggers - ARTICLE
- Shift from fighting to constructive communication - ARTICLE
- How to learn these new skills? - ARTICLE
- If your partner irritates you - ARTICLE
- Get in tune with each other - ARTICLE
- Best strategies to stop fights - ARTICLE
- Love! - ARTICLE
- Fighting skills - ARTICLE
- Extra power and confidence - ARTICLE
- Trust - ARTICLE
- Shift from fight to dialogue - ARTICLE
- The number one strategy to solve unwanted fights - ARTICLE
- Drop it! - ARTICLE
- Dare to take some distance - ARTICLE
- How to give each other space - ARTICLE
- Get extra power and enjoy the fight - ARTICLE
- How to win fights - ARTICLE
- Anger and aggressiveness are okay - ARTICLE
- Give rhythm - ARTICLE
- A natural need - ARTICLE
- Respect your body - ARTICLE
- Love fights - ARTICLE
- Use your psychic power - ARTICLE
- Fighting weapons - ARTICLE
- Play the fighting game - ARTICLE
- Fighting over your children's education - ARTICLE
- He doesn't want to commit - ARTICLE
- What if you want to argue but they don't? - ARTICLE
- Control free or control freak? - ARTICLE
- Wrong timing! - ARTICLE
- Don't let life challenges negatively impact on your couple - ARTICLE
- What if you tend to lose your temper? - ARTICLE
- If they don't do what you want - ARTICLE
- What if you disagree? - ARTICLE
- My partner is systematically late or doesn't even show up! - ARTICLE
- My partner harasses me with endless demands - ARTICLE
- Are you emotionally abused? - ARTICLE
- Work and business taking a toll on us - ARTICLE
- Fighting over lack of reassurance and validation - ARTICLE
- I have an angry husband - ARTICLE
- Fighting is destroying our marriage - ARTICLE
- Husband gets mad when I express my anger - ARTICLE
- Too many of our conversations turn into fights - ARTICLE
- My partner will not let us finish an argument - ARTICLE
- Am I wrong for reacting that way? - ARTICLE
- He is lying about credit card purchases - ARTICLE
- I am so angry! He left me with his sister! - ARTICLE
- When we argue, I tend to hurt myself - ARTICLE
- We systematically argue without reason - How to fix this? - ARTICLE
- What if he does not want to commit - ARTICLE
- Should you give them another chance if they cheat? - ARTICLE
- 10 tips to wake up your senses - ARTICLE
- How to ad spice to your sex life - ARTICLE
- How to rebuild sexual attraction when your relationship is in trouble - ARTICLE
- Wake up your passion, fun, pleasure, delight and desire - ARTICLE
- The number one strategy to keep him interested - ARTICLE
- His sex drive has dropped - What can I do about it? - ARTICLE
- We had sex all the time - Now not even once a month - ARTICLE
- Should you talk about sex issues? - ARTICLE
- Our sex life is slowly disappearing - ARTICLE
- Wake up the spark! - ARTICLE
- Why passion sometimes dies out and what to do about it - ARTICLE
- Why spending time apart is very healthy for your relationship - ARTICLE
- I feel I've fallen out of love with him - Should I leave? - ARTICLE
- I had all these dreams - Now I feel limited in my relationship! - ARTICLE
- Help!!?? My bf says he's bored with me! - ARTICLE
- My relationship with my bf is getting dull! - ARTICLE
- I dated guys before but never had sex - ARTICLE
- He says he might be gay - ARTICLE
- Intimacy challenge - ARTICLE
- Should you tell him that you want babies? - ARTICLE
- Do guys like it when you are kind with them? - ARTICLE
- Does he like you as a girlfriend or just a friend? - ARTICLE
- He suddenly stopped talking to me - Why? - ARTICLE
- He just got divorced - Why isn't he moving in with me and marrying me? - ARTICLE
- What is stopping him from asking you out? - ARTICLE
- He always has all of his friends around him - ARTICLE
- He flirts with me all the time - ARTICLE
- He is shy & seems not to trust women - ARTICLE
- He likes me but doesn't like my style - ARTICLE
- He never had a girlfriend - ARTICLE
- He never replied - ARTICLE
- He seems to be all about his friends - ARTICLE
- He told me that he loved me as more then a friend - ARTICLE
- I feel like he is avoiding me - ARTICLE
- I know he's not ready to get into anything serious - ARTICLE
- I know he likes me but he is not acting on it - ARTICLE
- If a man is not responding - ARTICLE
- Is he telling the truth? - ARTICLE
- What to do to get this other guy back? - ARTICLE
- Why don't guys call right away? - ARTICLE
- How to challenge him - ARTICLE
- How to be successful with guys - ARTICLE
- What is the first quality a man looks for in a woman? - ARTICLE
- Is he flirting with you? - ARTICLE
- What to expect from a guy who flirts with you? - ARTICLE
- How much do looks really mean for men? - ARTICLE
- How to make him feel at ease? - ARTICLE
- You like him - Should you tell him? - ARTICLE
- Does it work to play hard to get? - ARTICLE
- What can stop him from asking you out? - ARTICLE
- Do guys give mixed signals? Do they play games? - ARTICLE
- Can you intimidate guys? - ARTICLE
- I don't get it! Do guys prefer bitchy girls? - ARTICLE
- He rarely calls me and cancels dates? What's up with him? - ARTICLE
- What to do with a man who does not communicate - ARTICLE
- What if he never says "I love you"?
- What to do if he does not want to open up - ARTICLE
- He works all the time - Now I feel worlds apart from him - ARTICLE
- Why do men build walls? - ARTICLE
- Why he doesn't share his feelings the way you do - ARTICLE
- I do everything for him! - He's still irritated with me - ARTICLE
- How to deal with your partner's midlife crisis - ARTICLE
- He faces a midlife crisis - How to protect yourself - ARTICLE
- Don't take responsibility for his midlife crisis - ARTICLE
- Power to your couple! - ARTICLE
- New relationship equations - ARTICLE
- Two keys - Freedom and renewal - ARTICLE
- Use your renewal power - ARTICLE
- Keep evolving to stay together - ARTICLE
- Your romantic dream and actual reality - ARTICLE
- Set up the right priorities - ARTICLE
- 10 steps to a dynamic relationship - ARTICLE
- More keys for dynamic relationships - ARTICLE
- Identify your key challenges - ARTICLE
- Channel of love - ARTICLE
- How to manifest change in your couple - ARTICLE
- Protect your individual integrity - ARTICLE
- How exclusive do you want to be in your relationship? - ARTICLE
- How to build up trust - ARTICLE
- More complicity in your couple - ARTICLE
- How to manifest power in your relationship - ARTICLE
- Avoid power trips - ARTICLE
- How to deal with challenges - ARTICLE
- How to deal with invasive friends, exes or in laws - ARTICLE
- Relationship sabotage - TOP QUESTIONS - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Top questions to ask yourself - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Type of dilemmas we discovered so far - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - the core ideas we identified so far - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - I AM AFRAID - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - I AM NOT READY - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - SABOTAGE IS A DEFENCE MECHANISM - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Committed/Non-committed dilemma - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Sabotage stops when you have the skills to stay safe - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Boredom/Passion dilemma - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Intimacy challenges - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Emotionally safe/unsafe dilemma - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Model 2 - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Model 1 - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Where do negative self destructive emotions come from? - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Conclusions so far - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Subconscious emotions - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Commitment/Freedom dilemma - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Pain/Pleasure dilemma - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - What are these dilemmas? - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - How to solve it - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Core sabotage attitudes - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Examples - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Coaching targets - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Coaching strategy - Coaching questions - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Sabotage happens when you are internally divided - you are not one - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Why people sometimes try to control your life and how to stop these patterns - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - What triggers control, demands and insecurity in others - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - How to create safety for you and your date - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Positive conversation - Role play - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Sabotage patterns - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Positive emotions and their opposite - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - What happens when you bring negative emotions into a relationship - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Relationship skills - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - The reason why your love life might not be fulfilled is because the love vibration is not strong enough - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Love is an energy you can train - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Open the love channels in your life - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Love building techniques - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - It happens because you are internally divided - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - Relationships dilemmas and why people sometimes sabotage their love life - NOTE
- Relationship sabotage - I make them into villains that are going to consume me - NOTE