- You can spend the rest of your life trying to find excuses or objections to taking care of yourself - TIP
- Training topless - Fresh and sensual experience! Fantastic! - NOTE
- 5 fingers! Whaou! - NOTE
- The pleasure of staying on the hunger edge - NOTE
- Weight drop from 70-73 kg to 68-71 kg - NOTE
- 85% body optimization this year against 95% last year - NOTE
- Dairy products? - Negative impact? - NOTE
- Summer 2011 - what's happening with my intensity training - NOTE
- My body - PICTURES
- Variation is the key to keep you excited - TIP
- Less healthy oils and fats? - TIP
- You can easily put on 4 pounds with just one night of excesses - TIP
- My energy level was low today when I trained - Why? - TIP
- About 70% of a human's total energy expenditure is due to the basal life processes within the organs of the body - NOTE
- Metabolic rate - Basal metabolic rate - Resting metabolic rate - NOTE
- 30 days into intensity training - NOTE
- Intensity training - 3 weeks after start - NOTE
- Your energy level goes up when you don't overload your digestive system - NOTE
- Slight drop in energy after 2 weeks intensity training - NOTE
- 3 hours/day intensity training - One week after start - NOTE
- After one week of intensity training, results start showing up - NOTE
- What to do when you see your friends, family members or partner getting out of shape? - ARTICLE
- Back power strategies - What works - What doesn't - Example of how to deal with a physical challenge - ARTICLE
- There is no such thing as localized fat burning! - TIP
- The final answer to being healthy and in good shape - ARTICLE
- Fitness and nutrition coaching - ARTICLE
- 12 simple steps to a perfect body - ARTICLE
- Get fit - I don't have time - ARTICLE
- I am new to fitness, any tips on where to start? - ARTICLE
- How many times a week should I be training? - ARTICLE
- What is your own favorite training approach? - ARTICLE
- Is it better to focus on one discipline or to diversify my training approaches? - ARTICLE
- Strategies to tackle lower back pain - BACK PAIN - ARTICLE
- One of the reasons you train is because of how it makes you feel on a biochemical level - TIP
- Raw food bliss? Creating connection with raw food? Here is how I think it works - NOTE
- Bliss pouring in! Spirulina, greens, energy mixes, smoothies - NOTE
- High energy levels - spirulina - superfoods - juicing - flour or no flour - what exactly creates that high? - NOTE
- Too many nuts and seeds? - NOTE
- Raw gourmet? or simple raw meals? - NOTE
- Dehydration? Crackers? Do they work for me? Yes! but.... - NOTE
- Maca and spirulina! Strong taste! Ideas? - NOTE
- More superfoods - less starch - NOTE
- Is the energetic impact of the super food mix related with a couple of specific compounds present in one of these super foods or is it the results of the mix as a whole? - NOTE
- Maca? - sexual enhancer? aphrodisiac? - NOTE
- CRON-O-METER - Measure calories and content in any fruit and vegetable - TOOL
- Where are the enzymes and vitamins in a fruit or vegetable? Are they in the fiber or in the juice which is extracted? - NOTE
- Red juices - RECIPE
- Super food mix for lunch - NOTE
- Juices for breakfast - NOTE
- Green juices - RECIPE
- Superfood mix for lunch - NOTE
- Raw super food energy mix - RECIPE
- The juicing adventures go on today! This one was a red juice with carrots, tomatoes, apples, limes, ginger! Whaou! - TIP
- Experiencing today some powerful consciousness and energy shifts - Bliss! Bliss! Bliss! Pouring in with delight! - TIP
- Green juices this morning!!! I don't mean just a little shot! A whole jar of pure delicious cosmic enzymes pouring through my whole being! Powerful! - TIP
- Experimenting with juicing these days!!! Whaou! Powerful! - TIP
- Don't skip meals! - ARTICLE
- You go for higher calorie foods when you are really hungry! - ARTICLE
- What's a suppressive tactic? - ARTICLE
- More suppressive tactics - ARTICLE
- 80% of diets out there fail! - ARTICLE
- If suppressive tactics don't work, why do people keep using them? - ARTICLE
- If suppression doesn't work, what does? - ARTICLE
- Change one eating pattern at a time - ARTICLE
- Eat differently! Not less! - ARTICLE
- Replace unhealthy options by healthy ones - ARTICLE
- How to retrain your taste buds - ARTICLE
- Emotional associations - ARTICLE
- Simple nutrition tactics! No need to be extreme! - TIP
- Less healthy oils and fats? - TIP
- You can easily put on 4 pounds with just one night of excesses - TIP
- My energy level was low today when I trained - Why? - TIP
- About 70% of a human's total energy expenditure is due to the basal life processes within the organs of the body - NOTE
- Metabolic rate - Basal metabolic rate - Resting metabolic rate - NOTE
- 30 days into intensity training - NOTE
- Intensity training - 3 weeks after start - NOTE
- Your energy level goes up when you don't overload your digestive system - NOTE
- Slight drop in energy after 2 weeks intensity training - NOTE
- 3 hours/day intensity training - One week after start - NOTE
- After one week of intensity training, results start showing up - NOTE
- What to do when you see your friends, family members or partner getting out of shape? - ARTICLE
- How to easily shift a negative eating pattern - ARTICLE
- Optimize your nutrition! - ARTICLE
- No! I don't think you need to use protein supplement - ARTICLE
- Healthy alternatives! - ARTICLE
- Attack junk food! - ARTICLE
- First strategy - Praise healthy food! - ARTICLE
- Negative sponsoring forces - ARTICLE
- If it is bad for you, why do you eat it? - ARTICLE
- What type of foods? - Raw fruits and vegetables
- How to make sure that taking care of your diet does not become a full time job! - TIP
- One day a week, let go of your discipline and relax! - TIP
- Body types? - what are they? - How do they work? - TIP
- Change my diet - I don't know where to start - TIP
- Why is nutrition so important? - TIP
- Nutrition tips? - TIP
- What about sport drinks? - TIP
- How long before workout should I eat? - TIP
- Should I use food supplements? - TIP
- What about extra protein, and other body building supplements? - TIP
- Are there any substances I should not use? - TIP
- Suppressing + Replacing tactics when tackling negative cravings - TIP
- Good and bad cravings - Find out for yourself - TIP
- The difference between physical and emotional cravings - TIP
- When you physically crave for a certain food, what you crave for is usually not the food itself but some compounds that you find in that specific food - TIP
- Flavonoids - Methylxanthines - Biogenic amines - Cannabinoid - Ingredients you might crave for in chocolate - TIP
- How to tackle chocolate cravings - TIP
- One of the reasons you can crave chocolate - TIP
- What's the difference between cacao and chocolate? - TIP
- How to tackle food cravings - TIP
- Emotional eating - The top nutrition challenge in today's society - ARTICLE
- How to shift an eating pattern - ARTICLE
- Raw fruits, vegetables and salads are exciting, not boring! - ARTICLE
- Emotional eating is okay - ARTICLE
- Suppressing does not work!!! - ARTICLE
- What does it take to shift an emotional eating pattern? - ARTICLE
- How does emotional eating work? - ARTICLE
- Being 40 pounds overweight is like carrying a 40 pounds back pack with you ALL THE TIME! - TIP
- Don’t skip meals! - ARTICLE
- You go for higher calorie foods when you are really hungry! - ARTICLE
- What’s a suppressive tactic? - ARTICLE
- More suppressive tactics - ARTICLE
- 80% of diets out there fail! - ARTICLE
- If suppressive tactics don’t work, why do people keep using them? - ARTICLE
- If suppression doesn’t work, what does? - ARTICLE
- Change one eating pattern at a time - ARTICLE
- Eat differently! Not less! - ARTICLE
- Replace unhealthy options by healthy ones - ARTICLE
- How to retrain your taste buds - ARTICLE
- Emotional associations - ARTICLE
- Simple nutrition tactics! No need to be extreme! - TIP
- Less healthy oils and fats? - TIP
- You can easily put on 4 pounds with just one night of excesses - TIP
- My energy level was low today when I trained - Why? - TIP
- About 70% of a human's total energy expenditure is due to the basal life processes within the organs of the body - NOTE
- Metabolic rate - Basal metabolic rate - Resting metabolic rate - NOTE
- 30 days into intensity training - NOTE
- Intensity training - 3 weeks after start - NOTE
- Your energy level goes up when you don't overload your digestive system - NOTE
- Slight drop in energy after 2 weeks intensity training - NOTE
- 3 hours/day intensity training - One week after start - NOTE
- After one week of intensity training, results start showing up - NOTE
- What to do when you see your friends, family members or partner getting out of shape? - ARTICLE
- I tried everything! - Nothing worked! - TIP
- Eat more slowly - TIP
- Moderation! - Stop eating BEFORE you are full - TIP
- You are out of shape? - What happened? - ARTICLE
- 80% of what is sold in supermarkets is bad for you - ARTICLE
- You! Wake up! - ARTICLE
- Once you decide to get back in shape, this is your next challenge - ARTICLE
- If "get slim fast" products don't work, what does? - ARTICLE
- Will power can keep you going for a few months but usually not much longer - TIP
- Too much effort? - TIP
- 90% of those who want to lose weight start with the wrong battle plan - TIP
- No excuse! - TIP
- Simplify! - TIP
- Interval training - TIP
- Get a bike! - TIP
- Outdoor! - TIP
- Gym! - TIP
- Yes! You win! - TIP
- 1 new strategy/week - TIP
- 6 small meals/day - TIP
- Get rid of junk food! - TIP
- One day a week, let go of your discipline - TIP
- Relax! Rest! - TIP
- Why suppression strategies don't work! - TIP
- Be consistent with your strategies and steps - TIP
- Realistic targets - TIP
- Supplements or not? - TIP
- More raw! - TIP
- If you are hungry, eat! - TIP
- More fruit and vegetable! - TIP
- Marketing hype and how to protect yourself from it - TIP
- Start with small steps - TIP
- Strategies you can easily maintain on the long term - TIP
- Smoothies! Get yourself a blender! - TIP
- Diversify your training approaches - TIP
- More fun! - Less discipline! - TIP
- Make your home exercise ready - TIP
- Nutrition + Exercise strategies - TIP
- Follow up on your weight loss strategies - TIP
- Simplify your cooking style - TIP
- Use a small fork or a small plate - TIP
- 3 months target - TIP
- Combine nutrition + exercise strategies! - TIP
- Visible weight loss is only one of the indications that a set of nutrition patterns is right for you - TIP
- Up to 4 pounds daily fluctuations when you check your weight on a scale! - TIP
- My latest raw food experiment - I call this one POWER DRINK or POWER COCKTAIL - NOTE
- You can spend the rest of your life trying to find excuses or objections to taking care of yourself - TIP
- Raw food bliss? Creating connection with raw food? Here is how I think it works - NOTE
- Bliss pouring in! Spirulina, greens, energy mixes, smoothies - NOTE
- High energy levels - spirulina - superfoods - juicing - flour or no flour - what exactly creates that high? - NOTE
- Too many nuts and seeds? - NOTE
- Raw gourmet? or simple raw meals? - NOTE
- Dehydration? Crackers? Do they work for me? Yes! but.... - NOTE
- Maca and spirulina! Strong taste! Ideas? - NOTE
- More superfoods - less starch - NOTE
- Is the energetic impact of the super food mix related with a couple of specific compounds present in one of these super foods or is it the results of the mix as a whole? - NOTE
- Maca? - sexual enhancer? aphrodisiac? - NOTE
- CRON-O-METER - Measure calories and content in any fruit and vegetable - TOOL
- Where are the enzymes and vitamins in a fruit or vegetable? Are they in the fiber or in the juice which is extracted? - NOTE
- Red juices - RECIPE
- Super food mix for lunch - NOTE
- Juices for breakfast - NOTE
- Green juices - RECIPE
- Superfood mix for lunch - NOTE
- Sunfired way - raw food - NOTE
- Raw super food energy mix - RECIPE
- The juicing adventures go on today! This one was a red juice with carrots, tomatoes, apples, limes, ginger! Whaou! - TIP
- Experiencing today some powerful consciousness and energy shifts - Bliss! Bliss! Bliss! Pouring in with delight! - TIP
- Green juices this morning!!! I don't mean just a little shot! A whole jar of pure delicious cosmic enzymes pouring through my whole being! Powerful! - TIP
- Experimenting with juicing these days!!! Whaou! Powerful! - TIP
- How I can really help you with raw food - TIP
- Why raw is good! - TIP
- Processing the foods destroys the enzymes - TIP
- Change one eating pattern at a time - ARTICLE
- How to retrain your taste buds - ARTICLE
- Emotional associations - ARTICLE
- Simple nutrition tactics! No need to be extreme! - TIP
- Less healthy oils and fats? - TIP
- 30 days into intensity training - NOTE
- Intensity training - 3 weeks after start - NOTE
- Your energy level goes up when you don't overload your digestive system - NOTE
- Slight drop in energy after 2 weeks intensity training - NOTE
- 3 hours/day intensity training - One week after start - NOTE
- After one week of intensity training, results start showing up - NOTE
- How to shift to raw food when you have kids, a partner or friends who are not into it - TIP
- Both Chinese medicine and Ayurveda recommend some cooked food - What's your position on that? - TIP
- Why people might feel threatened by the idea of eating raw - TIP
- Addicted to the taste of cooked food? - TIP
- Raw cherry pie + cacao - RECIPE - TIP
- Aim for 100% raw within a year, not a month! - ARTICLE
- It can take 3 to 6 months to shift a core eating pattern - ARTICLE
- Shifting to a raw food diet is NOT a marathon - ARTICLE
- I no longer need a stove - TIP
- 95% raw for 2 years now - TIP
- How to stay raw when you spend lots of time on the road - ARTICLE
- How to stay raw when eating out - ARTICLE
- You can spend the rest of your life trying to find excuses or objections to taking care of yourself - TIP
- I really want to be one with my body and want my body/mind to cooperate with me - TIP
- How to train my body/mind to stop having side effects from some drugs I take? - TIP
- 10 causes of chronic fatigue and how to tackle them - ARTICLE
- 7 steps to total wellness - ARTICLE
- Bliss can be felt through your biofield - ARTICLE
- Why you rarely hear about biofileds - ARTICLE
- Biofields are complex! - ARTICLE
- Energy realities and biofileds - ARTICLE
- Feelings? - ARTICLE
- Practical approach and theory - ARTICLE
- Why there is more than meridians - ARTICLE
- Physical body, biofield and mind - ARTICLE
- Harmonized energy field - ARTICLE
- What is missing - ARTICLE
- No controversy - ARTICLE
- A very complex invisible anatomy - ARTICLE
- Biofield, etheric body and meridians - ARTICLE
- You can spend the rest of your life trying to find excuses or objections to taking care of yourself - TIP
- How to stay connected with your life force? practice, practice, practice!!! - TIP
- Your breathing exercise to awaken kundalini... It seems more like hyperventilation to me - Is that even healthy at all? - TIP
- My energy level was low today when I trained - Why? - TIP
- Testing new energy breathing techniques - ARTICLE
- How can you experience Chi? - TIP
- How can I develop my "Qi" or life force? - ARTICLE
- 10 causes of chronic fatigue and how to tackle them - ARTICLE
- Practical/Experimental approach - TIP
- How does a positive state of mind impact on your energy body? - TIP
- How to harmonize your energy body - TIP
- What happens when you are stressed up? - TIP
- Life force! Energy! Vitality! - Why there isn't more knowledge on this topic right now - TIP
- 10 steps to max vitality - TIP
- I want more energy! - TIP
- 3 steps to kick off your energy! - TIP
- Life power is the beginning of everything - TIP
- Energy boost - TIP
- Where to start? - TIP
- Empowering environments - TIP
- High energy life - TIP
- Synergy - TIP
- Be super conductive to life - TIP
- I lack energy - TIP
- What is Qi - TIP
- What is prana - TIP
- Kung fu lives in everything we do! - NOTE
- Eye "Exercises" are NOT the Solution ????
- Eye nutrition? - 17 nutrients that support clear eye sight
- Variation! Diversify! - the key to stay focused with eye training exercises
- Eye movements? Eye massage? Eye focus?
- Why is it challenging to do eye training exercises at first?
- 5 minutes a day? Is this enough?
- What is the ideal training rhythm for eye exercises?
- 7 Common Things That Rapidly Deteriorate Your Vision - TO CHECK
- Home study program - promises exciting results - does it work? - TO CHECK
- Eye exercises - Read this e-book online - TO CHECK
- Too much close object focus - Not enough distant focus
- Alternate distant/close focus - Exercise
- Simple!!!
- Exercises for the eyes? Why?
- What about "magic eye" hidden images stereograms - Do they improve your vision?
- Your eyes need rest
- A simple technique to measure your progress
- Wearing glasses less often
- Variation!
- Don't get stacked on the technicalities of the exercise!
- Eye care - Eye palming
- Eye care
- Exercise - close/open eyes - 3 seconds each - 10 repetitions
- In depth transformation
- The key to succeed
- 5 minutes/day
- How to measure your progress
- 4 types of exercises
- Eye exercise does improve your vision!
- Key links
- All links on eye exercises - Google
- Why train the eyes
- Basics!