Can an e-book really make a difference?

Yes, it can!
Here is why:
First of all, this is much more than an e-book.
It contains a whole series of resources you can use.
Here is what is included:
  • 60+ pages of effective targeted strategies - This is the core of your product and will give you the top strategies you must apply to get your life back
  • 30 MP3 audio power kicks - These are extra strategies in MP3 audio format. They are 5 to 15 min long power boosts. The goal is to offer you audios you can download to your MP3 player or Ipod. You can then take these power boosts wherever you go and listen to them in your time. You can as well listen directly to them online, download them on your computer or put them on a CD. I call them power kicks because they are high energy recordings which will shake your beliefs and truly give you massive energy.
  • 200+ answers to real break up situations - Over the last few years, I received hundreds of questions related with break up situations. I answer as well in detail questions related not only to moving on but to cheating, divorce, getting back together or dating again.
  • Ask a question - If you face a situation that you feel is not covered in the e-book or audios, you can send it to me and get an answer, usually within 24 hours.
  • Live help - I offer live help as an extra service. If at any time you feel you want to talk to me directly, you can. You’ll get all the detailed info on how to do this in your e-book.
  • Free updates + exclusive online area - You gain exclusive access to an online area where you can check for updates and see and download all your MP3 audios at one glimpse.

My goal is simple: offer you a safe and super easy to use environment which is conductive for profound power shifts.

The reason it works is because in these pages, audios and answers, I am not giving you some cold theories: I talk to you directly. Live!

The reason this e-book makes you feel better and shifts your power base is because it gives you key answers + effective action lines.

It gives you as well extra energy and power.

You know how you feel when you read or listen to inspiring ideas on a specific topic. The boost you get from it can last for weeks!

When you break up, you tend to look for directions. You know you have to make some essential choices but at the same time you are not sure about what your next winning step is.
When you want to break free from an emotional challenge, you need as well extra energy and power.

Answers, strategies, energy and power are the key qualities this product gives you.

Get it now!

Take care


About Shiva Rajaya

You are the master of your life! Your destiny is in your hands! You have the power to create! Want my help with unleashing your full manifesting power and optimizing your life? I will help you tune into your highest frequency and give you tools to access your untapped potentials - Start here START HERE! GET YOUR POWER KICK SKYPE COACHING SESSION WITH ME!