"That is key: understanding what love really is"

Another success story. This one comes from Vicky in New Orleans:


This week I have implemented what we discussed the other day about my girlfriend. Well, I have learned to change my communication style (no demands...).

I have been going to therapy for a while about this very thing and this helped a lot more. Thank you.

I will contact you again when I need help. You made me see something different about love; many people especially in therapy don't concentrate on love, they concentrate on disorder and behaviour with relationship to the disorder instead of love.

Honestly, that is key: understanding what love really is.

So, thank you for pointing that out to me. Hope you are well."

Vicki Stanwycks - US

Well done Vicky!

And thank you for your feed back

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About Shiva Rajaya

You are the master of your life! Your destiny is in your hands! You have the power to create! Want my help with unleashing your full manifesting power and optimizing your life? I will help you tune into your highest frequency and give you tools to access your untapped potentials - Start here START HERE! GET YOUR POWER KICK SKYPE COACHING SESSION WITH ME!