Of course I am not going to reveal my traffic building tricks for free! - ARTICLE

These are the key nectars of what I learned online.

5 years of testing and experimenting did give me an experience which is priceless.

The only context in which I talk about these strategies in detail is within one on one coaching sessions.

In other terms, you get them if you hire me.

There is simply no way around. You won't get them for free.

What you do get for free are general ideas and processes but the key details that lead to success stay well guarded in my mind.

Why is that?

I give away so much on other topics...

Why not about business success?

It is quite simple actually: competition is fierce.

The edge I gained over the years is precisely because I know certain things that only very few know.

If I was giving these techniques away to everyone, they would become useless in just an instant.

You want me to trust you and reveal to you the secrets I found?

Well, you'll have to show me that you trust me too by signing up for some coaching as well.

Now is the time though.

If you check my fees, you will be stunned to see how affordable my services are.

At this stage I can't be bothered with setting up different rates for business or life topics.

This is why I offer one single coaching fee to everyone, no matter what I coach you on.

Look, I am truly thrilled with helping others reach business success, but only a few have the guts to really go for it.

Unless you are 100% committed to your success, you'll crash before even starting.

This small coaching commitment you take when working with me is a small guarantee for me that I won't invest my time into someone who does not have the guts to take a simple first step.

Can't take that first step?

No problem. It means that you don't value enough what I have to offer and prefer finding inspiration somewhere else.

It means we won't work together.

On the other hand, if you do feel this inner call and response and know that what I own is a source of inspiration and interest for you, get in touch and tell me about your plans and I'll tell you what I know.

You 'll need to do that within a coaching session.

Here is the link:



About Shiva Rajaya

You are the master of your life! Your destiny is in your hands! You have the power to create! Want my help with unleashing your full manifesting power and optimizing your life? I will help you tune into your highest frequency and give you tools to access your untapped potentials - Start here START HERE! GET YOUR POWER KICK SKYPE COACHING SESSION WITH ME!