These are the estimations for the last month
- Home 4% (3000 pages/month?)
- HTM 77% (37000 ?)
- HTML (blogs) 7% (3000 ?)
- PHP (forum) 12% (5500 ?)
- Total pages 100% (48000 pages views/month)
- MP3 Estimation (45000 downloads/month)
Other traffic
- youtube 2000 views/day (60000/month)
- other video channels 2500 views/day (75000/month)
Total page views + downloads - 228000/month
- site pages 21%
- Mp3 20%
- youtube 26%
- other video channels 32%
On this picture, the low traffic HTM pages (realtionships, life skills, etc) = 1% of overall traffic!