- Part of what was for free before is now for sale
The natural consequence of that is that more sales naturally happen.
- It increases the value of my services and products as well
- Overall the energy of the site shifts and there is a new type of power vibration happening because of that.
The next question is:
how to strengthen and reinforce the trend?
There are two steps:
- The first one is to keep adding value to your product by adding vids, e-books and programs
- The second step is to follow up with promoting what you offer - All the promotional steps you have been taking +offering value via videos all work really well!
So, what is the line of action I should focus on now?
Another question, the number of vital membership sales is not too high, I can see a raize in the other products.
Is there something I need to shift or ad in the way I offer this membership? Anything else needs to be added? What? How?