In that case, there are three possible explanations:
- This is simply a natural up and down
- The increased coaching sign ups is related with the fact that this is where the coaching spirit is focusing it's energy right now - This could be the reflection of my own subsconscious intentions or it could be the result from an intention shift in a coaching spirit which is partly independent from me - I'll talk about this more in a minute.
- The fact that I did create a new set of videos for members only and by doing so I created a wall of energy and did not really link my energy again with my unified audience. This means that my process is incomplete and I still need to take some steps to link this new material all the way with my unfied audience.
At this stage, I feel like this third explanation is the key.
The reason why i did not take a final step is because the strategies I used in the past are ok but I feel there might be something else and new to do to promote or link these videos with my global audience.