- Membership sales down 75%
This is logical! - offering some of the programs for free lowers the value of the membership - Not enough data to make it 100% sure but that's the idea
- E-books sales down 20%
If more is in free access, the audience will naturally tend to buy less.
- Coaching up 50% with a few new clients
The shift is clear again - I was talking about the bridge of trust and it this is an indication that the bridge of trust was established again.
Overall, income is down 10% compared with last month
The data is toolittle to draw a final conclusion but it seems that this is more or less equivalent to last month.
Now, we are back to the situation I was in March/April but the income compared with these months is lower 25%
That one is significant!
The big difference this month of June compared with March/April is that I did not post too many promotional material or new videos.
because I focused on nutrition exploration, raw food, outdoor energy work, etc.
This means that the amount of reach out energy going to my audience was lower.
In other terms, I was less out there showing my face and speaking out.