What if you're dating someone who still can't forget about his ex? They just broke up but are still in contact. Now he wants both! He said he loves her but he wants me... I just don't know what 2 do!! Help!
The signs you are describing are those of a man who is not committed to you yet. You on the other hand are offering your life to him. There is a misbalance. A huge misbalance. His ex is still in his mind. I would say keep your options open. Focusing on just this guy and expecting him to take all the right steps is too much of a risk. You know what you want and your wishes deserve to be fulfilled. I know by experience that ultimatums don't work, so pushing him might just turn him off. Enjoy the way he is with his "imperfection" and focus on quality time together
The best thing to do is to date other guys and flirt. Be spontaneous, free and happy. Play the game of romance as a way of life. Flirt with that guy, outrageously. Be sexy, attractive. For him to want you, you have to give him a taste of what he could get. You can give him a taste by flirting with your eyes, seducing him.
If he feels this is only for him, he will keep on playing the same game. He will think you are clingy, attached or desperate. For him to want more, you need to be ahead of him in one way or another. Guys want you when you have something they need. One of the key things guys need is pleasure, fun, enjoyment. If you can give him that, he'll be back running to be with you.
The key for you is to be non-exclusive as long as he isn't. Date other guys. Keep your options open. Socialize, go out! Don't limit your contacts to just him. That's the way you stay free. If he gets jealous or reacts ask him if he is ready to move on with you exclusively. Don't offer yourself to him until it's clear it is a two ways commitment