- how to ask a man out - stayed on page 11 min - found what they were looking for? 80%
- how to seduce a man videos - stayed 51 sec (maybe results still not clear enough) - 50%
Sales pages
- getting over a break up that i wanted to happen - sales page - 20%
- get over being dumped by a friend - 0% + sales page
- is it ok to call my ex after she broke up with me - 20% + sales page
- i miss my girlfriend - 20% + sales page
- how to overcome jealousy - 100% + sales page
- get over her easily - 100% + sales page
Querry not answered
- women only blogs - 0%
- how to get a man strategies - 20% Landed on "How to get a man to want you"
- tips on how to arouse a guy - 20%
- sexual attraction levels - 20%
- how to trust your girlfriend again - 0%
On these querries which all bounce back within seconds, visitors access a page which is close in topic to what they were looking for but not exactly. For instance:
- get over being dumped by a friend lands on "Get over being dumped" Break up - for men. This is simply not good enough.
- how to trust your girlfriend again lands on a jealousy for men page while he was probably looking for on information on when she has been cheating
- is it ok to call my ex after she broke up with me lands on sales page and even though the answer WILL be in the program, it is not obvious by the sales page - too much work to dig it out + payment to make before accessing the info
Page mistakes
- how to get a man to notice you - 100% but the actual essential video is on the side bar - the visitor probably missed it + there are a couple mistakes on the page + what is in the center of the page does NOT actually hit the chord and is too vague + It directs to forum post which can a while to get through
So, here are the conclusions again:
- 30% left the site because the specific querry they had was not answered
- 30% left because they landed on a sales page and they did not want to buy + (of those 30% 15% + not answering the querry they had on top of that)
- 20% left because of design elements that stopped them from finding the info that was right there
- 20% found what they were looking for.
So, overeall:
- 50% will leave the site because the page does NOT answer their querry!
design elements can be an issue but the major deal breaker is simply traffic that does not hit the target.