Have a few teasing scenarios ready - TIP

When you approach, her, think: light, humor, confident, teasing.

You need to have a few teasing ideas in mind so that you are not caught by surprise.

I have a few videos on my channel about this, so go and check them out.

The key here is to be prepared before hand.

The teasing skill is an attitude you develop by trying different approaches.

Any opportunity you have, start teasing girls.

You will see that it's a super easy way to break the ice.


About Shiva Rajaya

You are the master of your life! Your destiny is in your hands! You have the power to create! Want my help with unleashing your full manifesting power and optimizing your life? I will help you tune into your highest frequency and give you tools to access your untapped potentials - Start here START HERE! GET YOUR POWER KICK SKYPE COACHING SESSION WITH ME!