How to be rejection proof - ARTICLE

What is the force you need to be rejection proof?

Take this example: You are a guy. You like a girl. You ask her out. She says "no, thank you". This single response impacts on your life, self esteem and future behavior. Because of this one rejection, you might never ask a girl out again!

Can you see the dynamics? It's crazy!

One girl! One rejection! You build a mind frame around it which can create a prison of energies for the next 20 years of your life!

That's one situation where extra power and understanding would definitely help:

"Dating is a battle field!" of course it is initiated by love but the context in which it happens is highly competitive. In fact, it's more competitive than a martial art's dojo. It is literally a psychic battle for power and love.

When a girl rejects you, here is what happens:

You say "Peace, love".

She answers back with an attack!

It's not conscious but this is what it is!!!!

Her rejection is an attack on your conquering power, your desire, your life!

Sometimes she is well intended and does not mean it. Sometimes she will do something consciously simply to make you feel terrible.

If you go back home and say something like: "I'll never ask a girl out again!"

That's it! She wins! You lose!

When you lose, it's your whole destiny line which gets blocked.

In fact you let this single emotional reaction from one person decide the way you will feel about women for the next 20 years of your life!!! Or even more...

Come on! Her reaction has nothing to do with love. It has to do with power!

Her mind wins over yours. Her emotion impacts on your mind and grows in a cluster of negative energy.

Can you see the dynamics?

Now, here is the deal: extra power gives you the energy to protect your mind space! Your thoughts are more important than her thoughts.

A girl will not stop you! Not one rejection! Not 1000!

You see why we talk about power?

Because no one has the right to kill your dignity!

It's very simple!

Your inner power has precisely this ability: it gives you natural survival fighting power to preserve your mind space and not let rejection touch you.


There is a fundamental misunderstanding about the dating scene.

When you get rejected, it has nothing to do with love. It is a power mechanism. It is battle between two energies.

The first energy is your desire, life force or will power.

The second energy is a minute emotion projected in your mind space which comes from her energy reality.

This tiny emotion that she projects is a mind pattern.

It says something like: "I don't like you and I don't want to go out with you".

This negative emotion is projected by her.

Here is what happens if you don't show your power at that exact moment:

This tiny negative emotion takes root in your mind.

It grow, expands and makes "babies" in your mind.

Before you notice it, you are taken in a stream of negative thoughts and beliefs which block your mind and kill your self esteem.

One person's rejection can potentially generate a limiting blockage in your mind which was not there before.

Here is what happens now if you express your fighting power when a woman rejects you.

First step? You go prepared.

You have an emotional strategy to deal with rejection.

Second step? You react straight away.

You simply don't allow any negative emotion to take root in your mind.

A battle goes on!

If you lose, it can eventually kill your dating power!

Don't tolerate someone else's negative emotion in your mind!

Kill it!

I know these words are hard and direct!

This is what it is!

Think about it...

This is about your mind space, life force, power and energy!

When someone rejects you, it's a simple battle for power.

It is a measure of who is stronger psychically.

If you let someone else's negative emotion impact on you, you lose the battle.

It is that simple!


Next question?

"Why is this happening?"

"Why are energies conflicting in the first place?"

"Why would someone have such a negative impact when rejecting you?"

The answer is simple:

You challenged their space first.


This woman is having a drink.

You go and talk to her with the intention of connecting.

Your energy is an intrusion in their personal space.

Their rejection is nothing personal.

It is a defense mechanism which says: "I have something else in mind right now and I will be tough on you".

This is why it happens.

These the basic dynamics of your interaction when she rejects.

A rejection has nothing to do with love. It is a conflict for power.

When she sends you in the rejection zone you have a few options:

  • You can fight back: "I was just kidding anyway. You are not worth it!"

  • You can leave and step out of that woman's zone of influence.

  • You can connect with other women straight away.

  • You can "reject rejection" and insist until you find an opening in this girl who is resisting you.

  • You can call a friend.

  • You can let rejection bounce on the surface of your mind and simply laugh at it.

I don't know about you but this last option truly seduces me.

That's the one you want, don't you?

Imagine rejection simply bouncing on the surface of your mind.

Imagine this radiant smile on your face when a woman gives you the "No thanks" sign!

How can this happen?

It happens because you are prepared and you have other sources of power which do not depend on what you get from her.

This confidence is in you!

It is rooted deep in your mind and strengthens your emotional space.

This inner source of power is the true final answer to any rejection.

You have as other sources of strength as well.

For instance, when you get rejected, you can pick up your cell phone and call a close friend to tell them what happened.

Your friend might give you validate your action and strengthen your confidence.

These are all power dynamics.

Remember that it is battle for life force and energy!

These are very precious!

Wake up this total sense of confidence and rejection will never touch you again!


Accept and understand these power dynamics!

When you are aware of them 50% of your response to rejection is already in place.

Developing your inner power happens quite naturally once you realize this is what you need.

It is an emotional posture you take when socializing.

Waking up your power is an exhilarating feeling!

When it happens, it's like waking up.

A rejection is only an opportunity to train your power.

Using your power is fun and exciting!

Be rejection proof!

About Shiva Rajaya

You are the master of your life! Your destiny is in your hands! You have the power to create! Want my help with unleashing your full manifesting power and optimizing your life? I will help you tune into your highest frequency and give you tools to access your untapped potentials - Start here START HERE! GET YOUR POWER KICK SKYPE COACHING SESSION WITH ME!