The site right now is working fine and of course, traffic has been going down progressively.
I need a new idea, a new way of approaching my marketing because it's calling for it!
I need help with that! I need vision!
Something new, tuned into the present and future...
I need a new marketing vision for what I do.
Here are some things that won't change much my results:
- Posting one more video
- posting one more free article
- Posting one more audio
- Creating one more free channel on the site
- Adding a detail in the navigation
- Shifting something in any of my sales pages
- posting some more links to a program on my facebook
- posting videos and links on my news channel
- limited traffic building strategies to existing pages
- adding "facebook like" icons to my pages
- Etc, etc, etc.
There are literally dozens of steps I could be taking that would make ZERO difference in my level of success and the impact I have with my audience.
What I need now is a radical shift either in my offer, the way I market or the way I do things online, or the way I coach!
A few things that could work:
- Hiring firm or individual for SEO and traffic building
- Radically shift the way I communicate with my prospects and/or audience
- Radically shift my coaching offer
- Totally rewamp my sales pages
- Develop a new radical coaching skill
- Develop new personal skills
- A couple of very specific selling tricks
In fact, I get the feeling that a combination of these could work. It's radical, long term strategy