a few assumptions here...
- Because it's the third similar offer in the last 3 weeks, the dimension of newness is fading away?
- Emails overload? too many messages coming from me? Triggers resistance?
- The price tag of $299 is above what people can easily spend or make an easy decision on?
- The time frame of 3 months is too long? sounds like lots of focus, discipline and hard work?
- Those who wanted coaching from me already signed up to earlier offers
- Etc.
These are all assumptions...
I can't say 100% what element is the most limiting in this offer.
It's probably a combination of these 5 elements. I seriously believe that all 5 elements play a role.
I still have 24 hours of testing with this promotion, so the tide can still totally shift today.
Solutions? I'll check what to do about the specific limiting factors I just described.