Want results? - Focus on your top target for 30 days! - 6 min - VIDEO
Stop finding excuses! - It's time for change! - 5 min - VIDEO
Take risks! - Step out of your comfort zone! - 6 min - VIDEO
Find out what you want! - 5 min - VIDEO
What YOU want! - 5 min - VIDEO
Law of attraction - How to manifest - 6 min - VIDEO
How do you deal with laziness? - 5 min - VIDEO
How to reach your goals without the support of others - 5 min - VIDEO
Do it now! - Don't delay! - 5 min - VIDEO
Follow up on your strategy - Don't stop half way! - 5 min - VIDEO
Start with a small step! - Reach your goals! - 5 min - VIDEO
Focus on what thrills you first! - Exciting targets! - 5 min - VIDEO
Focus on your top priority! - Choose what matters most! - 5 min - VIDEO
Aim for good not perfect! - Key stress-free strategy! - 5 min - VIDEO
You are in charge! - 4 min - VIDEO
Make it happen! - 3 min - VIDEO
Go for it! - 5 min - VIDEO
Focus on your top priority (2) - 4 min - VIDEO
Risk taking - 4 min - VIDEO
Taking action - SLIDES
5 ways to take action - SLIDES
7 key steps to change your life - SLIDES
4 steps to establish a new behaviour - SLIDES
What you need to take action - SLIDES
Taking action - Your steps - SLIDES
Free energy in your life - SLIDES
Taking action - Where to start?
The simplest way to take action
5 ways to take action
I want to take action!
Follow up thrill
Break out of your comfort zone and take action
I can't take action
Nothing is holding me back
Stop finding excuses! - It's time for change! - 5 min - VIDEO
Take risks! - Step out of your comfort zone! - 6 min - VIDEO
Find out what you want! - 5 min - VIDEO
What YOU want! - 5 min - VIDEO
Law of attraction - How to manifest - 6 min - VIDEO
How do you deal with laziness? - 5 min - VIDEO
How to reach your goals without the support of others - 5 min - VIDEO
Do it now! - Don't delay! - 5 min - VIDEO
Follow up on your strategy - Don't stop half way! - 5 min - VIDEO
Start with a small step! - Reach your goals! - 5 min - VIDEO
Focus on what thrills you first! - Exciting targets! - 5 min - VIDEO
Focus on your top priority! - Choose what matters most! - 5 min - VIDEO
Aim for good not perfect! - Key stress-free strategy! - 5 min - VIDEO
You are in charge! - 4 min - VIDEO
Make it happen! - 3 min - VIDEO
Go for it! - 5 min - VIDEO
Focus on your top priority (2) - 4 min - VIDEO
Risk taking - 4 min - VIDEO
Taking action - SLIDES
5 ways to take action - SLIDES
7 key steps to change your life - SLIDES
4 steps to establish a new behaviour - SLIDES
What you need to take action - SLIDES
Taking action - Your steps - SLIDES
Free energy in your life - SLIDES
Taking action - Where to start?
The simplest way to take action
5 ways to take action
I want to take action!
Follow up thrill
Break out of your comfort zone and take action
I can't take action
Nothing is holding me back