With weight loss strategies, you need to focus on long term targets, not short term.
A 3 months target is a good place to start:
What results can you realistically expect within 3 months if you put in place your new nutrition or training strategies?
By the way, if you prefer a 6 months or a year target for instance, it works as well... the key is LONG TERM target rather than short term.
You want to put in place life habits that you can easily maintain on the LONG TERM, not short term.
You might see close to no results for weeks at a time!
It can take a month or more for certain strategies to be really grounded in your life.
This means that results can take a while to kick in.
You need to be smart and not use the apparent lack of change in your weight as an excuse to give up.
A part of you is looking for reasons to disqualify these strategies because these strategies mean change.
They require focus and investment of time and energy.
You have to tackle resistances and know EXACTLY what the objections to your success are.
Here we go:
One key mistake is to give up!
Yes! it's that simple!
NEVER, EVER give up on your resolutions to bet at the best you can be!
Yes! Sometimes, you will have to slightly shift a strategy and adapt it to your situation but the key is to keep moving in the right direction, ALWAYS!
Put it this way:
Your body will be with you for the rest of your life (at least this incarnation ;)) so you better treat it right and do whatever it takes to be at your best.
The rewards are INFINITE!
The pleasure and delight you get from living in a healthy and strong body are priceless!