Removed all distracting elements on the page!
Here is the list of changes:
- Offer now only one product - No second "Access everything" option
- Removed $19/Lifetime - no recrurring payment - replaced by $19
- Removed "info" link in the porduct description
- Choose login + password for customer - This clear 3 fileds in the signup form
- Removed * next to name, email, and other fields
- Shifted "Select your product* to "Your product"
- Removed "Home" in the top navigation bar - There is now only one link left: "Support"
- Removed the second payment option (in the signup page only, not the product sales page)
The page now looks much clearer!
No distractions
Immensely simplified signup step:
- name
- click!
The process to buy the product is now simplified immensely and I am back close to the system that was there before making the membership system shift.
There is no mention of a membership, simply unlimited access to these resources.
This is it!
The slight difference compared ithe previous system is that before, the download and access steps were happening after the payment with:
- Download welcome e-book - click on link - enter login + password
- Or access the page - enter name and email - be transferred to access page
Now, the access system is much cleaner and refreshing - No PDF, no signup form after - automatic welcome email sent - It's perfect.