This is powerful!
This is the core of your love life.
You can wake up love through action, mind sets, attitudes and by simply going with the flow of it rather than resisting it.
When you love, you open up.
When you open up, you tend to become more vulnerable.
This is the number one reason you might resist the flow of love.
This is why you want to master the exact moment you open up.
You want to understand the dynamics of love.
Love is like electricity.
It is transforming.
It shifts your emotional base.
It establishes connections in places where there were none.
Love establishes complicity.
It is a flow of refreshing energy which nurtures your being.
It is truly like fresh water.
It is life force.
The more of it you have, the happier you are.
The goal is simple: if you feel you don’t have enough love in your life, you want to invite more of it!
You want more! You want it to flow between you and others.
What is love? It is a connection.
When you love someone, you establish a link, You create a bridge of energy between you and that person.
This is why it is such a transformative experience. It is the essence of life exchange.
Life force flows.
The more it flows in and through you, the happier you feel.
Before you even start dating, you want to create a reserve of it. You want to know where and how to tap into it.
There are two essential ways you can relate to someone:
· The first one is competition.
· The second is complicity.
When you meet someone for the first time, you can smile or shut down.
These two expressions say two different things: on one hand, you have an open door; on the other hand you have a closed one.
The reason why you want to open up is because you want to exchange with that person.
In fact, you want to create a bridge.
You want to link.
If you shut down, you keep your energy for yourself.
You give nothing.
There is little exchange of love.
At least no external expression of it.
If you shut down, you say something like:
· “I am afraid of relating to you”
· “I don’t want to”
· “I have something else in mind”
· “I am not interested by what you have to offer”
· “I don’t need this
· “I compete with you”
· etc.
If you open up, you say:
· “I am interested in you”
· “I want to establish a link with you”
· “I want to open up”
· “I have something to offer”
· “I like what I see”
· “I want to establish complicity”
· etc.
As you can see, any connection between you and someone else can take different roads.
Depending on your mind set, you will choose to smile or not to smile.
Sometimes, you really can’t choose. You feel that whatever happens is fine.
Other times, you feel like you are just on the edge between a smile and a grimace.
If you want to develop your flirting skills, you need to play with those mind sets.
Flirting is about deciding to go for smiles more often.
A smile is an invitation. It is already taking the path of love.
Deciding to go for a smile is a choice!
The more love you have in you, the more naturally it happens.
When you have lots of love, there is no choice involved.
Your smile simply happens.
It is the natural state of your being.