Torkom Saraydarian was one of the most prolific and admired spiritual Teachers of the 20th Century. He was a writer, composer, musician, poet, and superb lecturer. Over 100 of his books and booklets are in circulation worldwide. Another 70 will be published in the near future. He gave over 3,000 lectures throughout the world that inspired people to transform their lives.
Torkom possessed an honest and direct quality. He never misled his students into false, wishful thinking, but rather guided them along the long, challenging path of self-transformation. He was a firm believer that great achievements require great effort. His creative works provide the tools for self-transformation for those who are willing to make the commitment. His genius and passionate love to help others can be experienced through his books, booklets, music, lectures, and training courses.
Torkom's books are based on the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. They are clear, concise, and offer a deeply rich tapestry of wisdom gained from a lifetime of study, meditation, dedication, and service.
Torkom's energy and beauty can be experienced also by listening to his audio lectures or watching his lectures on video. For a sample, see the free audios offered online.
He was also an accomplished musician and composer. His sacred songs and music are magnificent. They inspire, heal, and integrate.
Torkom's plans included the creation of a spiritual University that would provide the foundational education for the leaders of the future. The Torkom Saraydarian University was founded by his daughter, Gita Saraydarian in September 2000. The University offers classes and meditation courses onsite and by correspondence. Annual retreats are offered in the USA and the UK.
TSG Foundation is dedicated to continue providing all the creative works of Torkom, to preserve them, and to create the spiritual environment for self-transformation. We welcome everyone to become part of the vision of the future. Our Center in the United States is in Cave Creek, Arizona and our Second Center, opened in 2002, is in London, UK. The TSG UK serves all of Europe and the United Kingdom with a full service line of products. For more information about our Centers, purpose, events, opportunities for service, and publications, please go to the links provided on this page.
Torkom Saraydarian (1917-1997) was born in Asia Minor. Since childhood he was trained in the Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom under the guidance of his loving father.
As he grew up, he visited monasteries, ancient temples, and mystery schools in order to find the answers to his questions about the mystery of man and the Universe. He was musically trained and was able to play the violin, piano, oud, cello, and guitar. He composed hundreds of musical pieces that embody his training in the the Ageless Wisdom.
His works represent a synthesis of the best and most beautiful in the sacred culture of the world by creating a truly universal approach to spirituality. These works enrich the foundational thinking on which we can construct our future of true global living.
The legacy he left us is an amazing 170 books, half of which have been published, as well as hundreds of musical pieces, lectures on video and audio tape and meditation courses.
The remarkable achievement in his writings was to synthesize and make comprehensible the huge body of knowledge known as the Ageless Wisdom. TSG is planning to archive all of Torkom's creative works. Check the Archiving Fund for more information and how you can help preserve the huge body of audio, video, and music tapes.
Torkom Saraydarian's 86th Birthday Celebration at TSG on November 9th. Details.
Harold Balyoz wrote book about his personal journey in discovering Torkom Saraydarian's teachings and the affect it has had on his life.
Read a collection of Torkom's personal poems - From My Heart
Read the November/December 2002 issue of Outreach, "In His Own Words." An excerpt from his autobiography about his work, the future, and how he writes and composes and why.
Read a personal tribute to Torkom and his work by Gita in the January/February 2001 issue of Outreach.
For Chapter reprints from the books, see the book list.
For information about his music, click here