Suppose that in your opinion, he's too flirty with a girl at a social event.
Instead of going after him, find a guy and do the same. Flirt!
Make it obvious and don't hold back.
This will most probably trigger a reaction on his side.
You see, most men will defend their right to be open and free with anyone until you start being open and free too.
That's when it hits them.
They feel it too: the insecurity!
They feel the jealousy emotions kicking in.
Mirroring his behavior is one of the best ways to let him see how it feels to be in your shoes.
You don't pressure him. You don't express your jealousy to him.
Instead, you do EXACTLY what he does.
If this triggers a conversation and he's angry at you for flirting with another guy, here is what you say next:
"So, you don't like it when I flirt with another guy?"
"Why not?"
"How does that make you feel?"
"I thought you too were having a good time with that girl tonight"
"Would you say that we were both engaging in flirting or connecting with someone else?"
"So, if I stop flirting with other guys, does that mean you have to stop flirting with other girls too?"
Now, that's usually when it hits him!
This simple realization will often trigger the behavior changes you want in him.
He will do it because he knows that he doesn't like it when the situation is reversed.
He respects you.
He doesn't want to hurt you.
Now, he knows BY EXPERIENCE how his flirting with another girl makes YOU feel.
Next time you go out, you might feel him staying CONSCIOUSLY closer to you out of his OWN choice.
There was no demand! There was no pressure.
Women come to me ALL THE TIME with this type of breakthrough when they use these mirror tactics.
They work amazingly well to get him to shift a behavior in his own terms.
In most cases, what's interesting is that if you had tried to "force" that behavior change on him, it would probably have triggered fights or tension.
Now, because it is his own decision and he came to that conclusion by himself, that's a totally different story.
He embraces that choice rather than resenting it!
The other essential point for you to understand is that when he shifts a behavior, YOU trigger that positive change in him by NOT challenging him on this issue and GIVING him space to change it IF he wants to on his own time and terms.
Very impressive when this happens.
Please email me your success story when you get such break through, ok?
Would love to hear it!
To your power!