- Validation/Recognition - This is your ability to validate your partner and get validated by them
- Financial contribution and balance
- Task sharing - Kids education - Household
- Trust
- Fun
- Sex
- Priorities - Partners must be number one for each other - Complicity with each other - same priorities with family travels and assets for intance
- Common vision - Exciting perspectives
- Tolerance + Respect
- Individual power - The fact that you are in a couple doesn't take a way your ability and pleasure to function as an individual if needed
- Connection with the rest of the world - Social life
- Love + Validation as a couple from family and friends
- Etc.
This is only a fraction of the possible qualities you can have in a relationship.
You can ad more qualities you feel are important for you.
Next step? You can give your couple a mark (0-100%) in those various areas.
You might for instance score 100% in sex but 30% in household sharing.
If you quantify the quality of your relationship, it will quickly show you the areas you can work on.
It's a good excercise to do if you feel something frustrates you but you don't know exactly what it is.