the SEO pages = optimized pages that i created some years ago.
Alltogether, these pages got around 6000 hits - at a relatively low conversion rate of 0.5%-0.2% this means an estimated sales of: 12 to 30 sales - that's like $200-$600 in the last 3 years.
so, for this SEO page campaign success: 5%
Note as well that these strategies did work way better 3-5 years ago - today, traffic to these SEO pages has massively dropped
Adwords for this campaign
success: 50%
Lots of sales but ROI not too high
Youtube videos
1200 visits to main jealousy page - that's with about 10 videos
this number could be much higher up to 4000 visits as many hist are direct which means that visitors might have typed directly the URL after hearing it in one of my videos.
I posted 10 jealousy for men videos - alltogether these videos got around 40000 views on youtube.
so, we get 1 to 3 sales / video posted and or 1 sale for 1000-4000 video views
I know that when you look at it that way, the conversion rate is not high but it does make sense overall.
Estimation is that right now - the conversion rate from youtube source could be really high.1-3% so that could be 12-30 sales
Success for this campaign: maybe 50%
But with LOTS of room for easily improve that result
This means that this strategy is actually one of the most effective so far.
What is missing with that campaign? well, it is hat with only 10 videos and very little buzz, I am not positioning myself as an expert.
the videos are ok, but perform only at 20%-50%
The positioning of my expertise could be way higher.
The reason this is not having an impact is because I did create the videos 3 years ago - nothing since then
Not much, right?
In fact, I am non existent on this topic online.
The ones who hear about me are only a few
what's interesting is that from all these traffic building strategies, the one that stands out and has lots of room for improvement is the youtube videos.
What's interesting is that it's not a SEO strategy, it is a positioning strategy.
The goal is to establish my expertise in this specific topic.
How good have I been so far with that one?
probably 20%
This means that I used only a VERY SMALL fraction of the space that is offered to me.
for a key phrase like "coping with jealousy" my videos take 70% of the listings in the video results on google
but, I don't appear in the general search results.
In the "news" results, there is simply nothing! when you search for "coping with jealousy" with the brackets.
Checking this further in books, I don't appear there but could if I my book gets indexed on amazon.
The point is that in all these places, for all these keywords, there is LOTS of space to effectively position myself as a top expert on this topic.
What results can be expected?
With these stats, here is what can be expected:
Suppose that I create one video/day for 30 days.
That's 30 videos.
with the stats I checked earlier, that would mean 30-90 sales
The income resulting from these sales could double with coaching.
So, here it is!
Now, suppose that the same effort is repeated over and over again, here you have it, exposure and expansion.