SEO campaign? - New CTR, impressions and conversions estimates - NOTE

Here are some more stats from my webmaster tools on google
  • 50 keywords
  • Impressions: 500-2000/month = 1000 average
  • CTR average = 5-10% average
  • Clicks = 50-100 / keyword /month
  • Total clicks /month = 2'500-5'000 clicks/month
  • Total clicks/day = 80-160 clicks/day
  • Total clicks/year = 30'000-60'000 clicks/year 
  • If campaign costs $5000 first year - $0.16 - $0.08 /click
  • If conversion rate = 0.5% - 1% = 150 - 600 sales /year

Now, 2 elements can come in the picture that can significantly increase these numbers
  • These top 10 ranks can potentially show on yahoo and bing as well, not just google, this ads an extra 30%
  • These 50 top keywords mean that many more related keywords will score high as well - that's another 50% or more...
This means that sales could be even higher:
  • 60'000 - 120'000 clicks
  • 300 - 1200 sales/year

These are again rough but realistic estimates for this campaign

If campaign costs $5000 in SEO fees, I need 250 sales/year to cover the SEO costs

As you can see, the margin between loss and profit is VERY narrow!

These are VERY realistic expectations

To come even with this campaign, I need to make 20 sales/month

More than 20 sales, I make profit.

Less than 20 sales, it's loss.



world searches = 2X US searches (roughly)



Jealousy = 350'000 monthly searches worldwide

Jealous = 550'000 monthly searches worldwide

A top 10 on these terms get 50X-500X the impressions compared with the other key phrases

it might as well get a lower CTR because of being less targeted suppose that the CTR for these terms is 1-5%

that's 3'500 - 27'500 clicks/month /term

for both, that's an extra 7'000 - 55'000 clicks/month !!!

That's potentially lots of traffic

For all 60 other keywords, the estimated monthly clicks are 2'500 - 5'000

Using these terms has the potential to get 2X to 20X more traffic than all 63 other keywords combined!

Let's check prices:

2 keywords: $1300 to reach top 10

Maintenance fee: $80/month for both keywords

Total: $960 + $1300 = $2260

That's roughly 50% from the fee for the 60 other keywords AND it has the potential of generating 2X to 20X more traffic

Let's check the CPC for this 2 words campaign: 84'000-660'000 clicks/year

this makes: $0.03 - $0.003 /click!

That's a tiny small fraction from what I would pay for the 60 keywords...

Of course, conversion rate could be way lower because searches are way less targeted.

suppose that we now have a conversion rate from 1%-0.2%

168-6'600 sales /year ---------  I know.... haha! that's a huge potential difference! Numbers are simply vague at this stage! - CTR are very unclear + conversion rates could vary a lot too!

In terms of income, that's $3'360 - $132'000 - In this case, the worst CTR would still cover for SEO fees for that specific campaign.


Remember that right now, my top break up for men page gets 2000 visits/month or 24'000 visits/year

the totality of my site gets 130'000 visitors/year, so a campaign like this one has the potential to radically shift traffic on site.

About Shiva Rajaya

You are the master of your life! Your destiny is in your hands! You have the power to create! Want my help with unleashing your full manifesting power and optimizing your life? I will help you tune into your highest frequency and give you tools to access your untapped potentials - Start here START HERE! GET YOUR POWER KICK SKYPE COACHING SESSION WITH ME!