- 50 keywords
- Impressions: 500-2000/month = 1000 average
- CTR average = 5-10% average
- Clicks = 50-100 / keyword /month
- Total clicks /month = 2'500-5'000 clicks/month
- Total clicks/day = 80-160 clicks/day
- Total clicks/year = 30'000-60'000 clicks/year
- If campaign costs $5000 first year - $0.16 - $0.08 /click
- If conversion rate = 0.5% - 1% = 150 - 600 sales /year
Now, 2 elements can come in the picture that can significantly increase these numbers
- These top 10 ranks can potentially show on yahoo and bing as well, not just google, this ads an extra 30%
- These 50 top keywords mean that many more related keywords will score high as well - that's another 50% or more...
This means that sales could be even higher:
- 60'000 - 120'000 clicks
- 300 - 1200 sales/year
If campaign costs $5000 in SEO fees, I need 250 sales/year to cover the SEO costs
As you can see, the margin between loss and profit is VERY narrow!
These are VERY realistic expectations
To come even with this campaign, I need to make 20 sales/month
More than 20 sales, I make profit.
Less than 20 sales, it's loss.
world searches = 2X US searches (roughly)
Jealousy = 350'000 monthly searches worldwide
Jealous = 550'000 monthly searches worldwide
A top 10 on these terms get 50X-500X the impressions compared with the other key phrases
it might as well get a lower CTR because of being less targeted suppose that the CTR for these terms is 1-5%
that's 3'500 - 27'500 clicks/month /term
for both, that's an extra 7'000 - 55'000 clicks/month !!!
That's potentially lots of traffic
For all 60 other keywords, the estimated monthly clicks are 2'500 - 5'000
Using these terms has the potential to get 2X to 20X more traffic than all 63 other keywords combined!
Let's check prices:
2 keywords: $1300 to reach top 10
Maintenance fee: $80/month for both keywords
Total: $960 + $1300 = $2260
That's roughly 50% from the fee for the 60 other keywords AND it has the potential of generating 2X to 20X more traffic
Let's check the CPC for this 2 words campaign: 84'000-660'000 clicks/year
this makes: $0.03 - $0.003 /click!
That's a tiny small fraction from what I would pay for the 60 keywords...
Of course, conversion rate could be way lower because searches are way less targeted.
suppose that we now have a conversion rate from 1%-0.2%
168-6'600 sales /year --------- I know.... haha! that's a huge potential difference! Numbers are simply vague at this stage! - CTR are very unclear + conversion rates could vary a lot too!
In terms of income, that's $3'360 - $132'000 - In this case, the worst CTR would still cover for SEO fees for that specific campaign.
Remember that right now, my top break up for men page gets 2000 visits/month or 24'000 visits/year
the totality of my site gets 130'000 visitors/year, so a campaign like this one has the potential to radically shift traffic on site.