When you are embodying a shadow or playing with a certain shadow energy, you can be passive with it, empower it, give it more space or you can resist of block its expansion by focusing on the opposite quality.
It feels that very often it is not so much about activating the shadows, it is more about mastering them.
Not one strategy is right for everything, play with the wave, the fire, the spirit behind it.
You can consciously ride the wave and exit it or pay with it for longer or consciously activate it.
Feel it!
Master it!
It feels that very often it is not so much about activating the shadows, it is more about mastering them.
Not one strategy is right for everything, play with the wave, the fire, the spirit behind it.
You can consciously ride the wave and exit it or pay with it for longer or consciously activate it.
Feel it!
Master it!