Oh that's the simplest question!
It takes 1 to 3 months of training to tame most of your jealousy, learn and practice new behaviors.
Some changes happen instantly and some others take more time.
If you are consistent, you might get rid of 80% of your jealousy within 30 days but it doesn't necessarily mean that your jealousy fully goes away, you simply learn ways of mastering it.
Makes sense, right?
Outbreaks might still happen.
Remember the idea I gave you about gym training, 3 months to get back in shape.
The same kind of idea applies to personal power and harmonious communication skills.
3 months of training :)
You only did one week.
You are on the right track but you must keep going forward, stay focused and go deeper and deeper.
I am sure you get it.
Good luck!
Thanks again for your trust!