I love how the spirit suddenly opens these wide gateways of freedom and new energy lines! All you have to give is a simple "yes" and let the flow begin! Trust the streams that come your way! Be a YES being diving deep in the mysteries of the unknown!
The rational mind can disconnect and allow the pure spirit flow to take over in pure intuitive consciousness! Stop trying to control everything! Be pronoic! PRO-NOIA... The belief that life is a conspiracy to take you exactly where you need to be, that each meeting is a sacred experience connecting deeper with your destiny!
Today, I feel so raw and so wild! Maybe this wild 30 day tantric retreat I am engaged into with this lover right now has something to do with it! I want to squeeze you with my love and wake up ecstasy in your heart! I want you to experience the deepest sweetest life flow, bliss nectar! I adore life!
It's amazing how much life juice gets unleashed once you release and liberate the full extent of your sexual energy! Bliss blast! Two conscious tantric lovers coming together with their tantric skills have the power to create a lot of magic!
Rise and wake up! May all obstacles dissolve! Wild magic is happening here in Ibiza! Magical vortexes of divine consciousness are rising! Sacred synchronicities are kicking in! Divine seeds are being planted! So open to the future right now! Magic is on its way!