Traditional Mantras examples



Jiva means "life," and Mukta means "liberation."
Jiva-Mukta therefore, means to be spiritually liberated while still living in a mortal body
Jiva-Mukta therefore, means to be spiritually liberated while still living in a mortal body


Sat - Truth
Connect with your centre, source or essence. Sat expresses the fact that your being is essence and that you are connected with your source at all times. The truth is that nothing is separated. You are united with this sea of life force at all times.
You are one with the cosmos, the planet, all creative hierarchies and humankind.
Chit - Consciousness
Be aware and awake. Understand the dynamics of the universe. It is from this state of awakening and awareness that you experience your life.
Anand - Bliss
Experience the bliss of the instant. Enjoy the celebration of life and manifestation. The process of manifestation itself is absolute bliss. You feel life flowing through your whole being.
How to use this mantra
Uttering internally these words invokes this mindset and energy reality in your being.
You can as well write down the calligraphy and post it somewhere you can see it.
You can write down the calligraphy as many times as you want.
Every time you write it down or meditate on it, you plant seeds of clear awakening in your mind.
It is like recalling a perfect memory or idea into your being.
A mantra is as well a gateway which connects you with that specific energy reality.
It connects you with an inner school of wisdom associated with the origin of that specific mantra or idea.
It is a bit like a website address.
It is the key.
It is a gateway which directs you to a new brightened state of awareness.
Sanskrit - Resources
- Sanskrit language - RESOURCES
- Sanskrit calligraphy - ARTICLE
- Sanskrit alphabet - Sanskrit script - Devanagiri - RESOURCES
- Calligraphies and translations - ARTICLE
- Ha! Good one! I love the spelling issue discussion - ARTICLE
- Is Sanskrit a better language than English for spiritual development? - ARTICLE
- How do you use mantras? - ARTICLE
- Feeling challenged when I sing the name of Kali - TIP
- Shakti - Life force - Article
- Activate your mantras - TIP