- How to connect with Babaji - 36 min - MP3
- Babaji's circle of power - 30 min - MP3
- Babaji's circle of freedom - 20 min - MP3
- Who is Mataji - 5 min - MP3
- Mataji's circle of joy - 11 min - MP3
- Babaji's invisible ashram - 5 min - MP3
- What is yoga? - 12 min - MP3
- Finding BABAJI NAGARAJ - Kundalini path - ENERGY breathing - 6 min - MP3
- Babaji Nagaraj - Kriya Babaji - Kriya Yoga - Babaji Meditation - 6 min - MP3
- Connecting with Babaji - Mahavatar Babaji calligraphy - 6 min - MP3
- How to connect with Babaji Mahavatar - 5 min - MP3
- Rajaya Yoga - Core principles - ARTICLE
- Your breathing exercise to awaken kundalini... It seems more like hyperventilation to me - Is that even healthy at all? - TIP
- I am connected with Babaji? - How? - TIP
- I wish I was connected with Babaji - TIP
- What's the best mantra to connect with Babaji? - ARTICLE
- Freshness! Freedom! - ARTICLE
- Yoga is not unique! - ARTICLE
- Complete system of spiritual development - ARTICLE
- How many times should I write down a calligraphy? - ARTICLE
- Invent new forms? - ARTICLE
- How to connect with the forces of nature - ARTICLE
- Reincarnation? - How does it work? - ARTICLE
- Psychic mudras - Find the right mind posture - ARTICLE
- Should I travel to this sacred place I heard of? - I feel a strong calling - ARTICLE
- I had an experience years ago - Never happened again - Why? - ARTICLE
- Is a blissful state devoid of mind? - ARTICLE
- Manifest a state of freedom? - ARTICLE
- Why materialism is a side track - ARTICLE
- Life is already perfect! - ARTICLE
- Active kindness - ARTICLE
- Claiming back your freedom! - ARTICLE
- When is the right time to start teaching? - ARTICLE
- Remember that a technique is only a key, it is not the goal - ARTICLE
- At a certain moment, the technique might naturally "dissolve itself" - ARTICLE
- The fact that nothing spectacular is happening does not mean that your practice is not working - ARTICLE
- What if you would like to go deeper in your connection with Babaji? - ARTICLE
- What do power dynamics have to do with Babaji? - ARTICLE
- Power transfers - ARTICLE
- The key to resolve conflicts - ARTICLE
- Why it is essential to harmonize your mind - ARTICLE
- New channel for Mataji - ARTICLE
- Thank you! - ARTICLE
- Dare to be a creator! - ARTICLE
- Raja Yoga - ARTICLE
- If millions of people were taking the action you are about to take now... - ARTICLE
- Tame your kundalini! - ARTICLE
- Your family is Humankind! - ARTICLE
- Your home is the planet! - ARTICLE
- Tune into the future rather than into the past - ARTICLE
- What does it take to integrate a new technique? - ARTICLE
- Multiply your freeing power - Try this technique! - ARTICLE
- Kundalini and freedom! - ARTICLE
- If it does not exist, create it! - ARTICLE
- Yogic prayer? - ARTICLE
- Bhakti writing! - Bhakti singing! - ARTICLE
- Free your mind! - Practice Jnana! - ARTICLE
- Jnana Yoga - ARTICLE
- What about desires and unbalance? - ARTICLE
- Perfection is right now! - ARTICLE
- Direct meditation kicks - 3 min video - ARTICLE
- Invisible network - Inner system of connected energies - ARTICLE
- Make your house your ashram - ARTICLE
- Use this inspiration to transform your life - ARTICLE
- "I try to meditate for an hour every day but can't keep up with it..." - Question - ARTICLE
- "I called him through meditation for a month now - How come he does not speak to me?" - Question - ARTICLE
- How to manifest a state of yoga - ARTICLE
- What is the force sustaining a spiritual system? - ARTICLE
- Do you need a spiritual system? - ARTICLE
- What does it mean to harmonize your being? - ARTICLE
- Why you need extra power when you wake up your universal identity - ARTICLE
- How to wake up your universal identity - ARTICLE
- Life force - ARTICLE
- Sanat Kumara - His name in Sanskrit Calligraphy - ARTICLE
- Sirajala - Invisible network - ARTICLE
- Initiations - ARTICLE
- Love and power - ARTICLE
- Connecting with Babaji's mind - ARTICLE
- Connecting with the universal mind - ARTICLE
- Meditating without a technique - ARTICLE
- What is meditation? - ARTICLE
- Various mind states - ARTICLE
- The ultimate goal is not to follow a Siddha, it is to be one - ARTICLE
- Babaji's circle of power - ARTICLE
- Kriya = Action - Kriya = State of awakened kundalini - TIP - ARTICLE
- Discipline or freedom? - ARTICLE
- How much pleasure does it give you? - ARTICLE
- Karma Yoga - ARTICLE
- Kali Mataji - ARTICLE
- Shakti! - ARTICLE
- Playfulness - ARTICLE
- Where to start with Tantra - ARTICLE
- Strengthen your Kundalini - ARTICLE
- How to invoke Mataji's presence - ARTICLE
- Actualize the energy - ARTICLE
- Freedom to be yourself - ARTICLE
- Compassionate action - Karma yoga - ARTICLE
- Love! - ARTICLE
- Stretch the limits of Yoga - ARTICLE
- Beauty! - ARTICLE
- Joy! - ARTICLE
- Tantra - Exchange of life force - ARTICLE
- Mataji? Babaji? Do you need to choose? - ARTICLE
- Artistic expression - ARTICLE
- Senses and delight - ARTICLE
- Devotion - ARTICLE
- Who is Mataji? - ARTICLE

- What is yoga nidra? - ARTICLE
- What is yoga? - ARTICLE
- A simple yoga nidra technique - ARTICLE
- Should you stick to one technique or is it better to diversify? - ARTICLES
- I miss motivation with yoga and meditation practices - ARTICLES
- Can the spiritual quest isolate you or make you lonely? - ARTICLE
- With meditation and yoga, my level of ambition has dropped - ARTICLE